BCD-Atlantik Ltd

Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 Development Kit - UK

A complete development kit for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5, providing all products required to allow you to start a design "out of the box".

Getting going with CM5 couldn't be easier!

See the Product details section below to find out what's in the box.
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In stock. 2-4 working days
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Product Details
The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 Development Kit (UK) contains the following items:

  • CM5104032 - Compute Module 5 with wireless, 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC storage.
  • Compute Module 5 Metal Case
  • Compute Module 5 IO Board
  • Compute Module 5 Passive Cooler
  • Raspberry Pi 27W USB Type-C PD Power Supply (UK variant)
  • Antenna Kit
  • 2x Standard HDMI Cable
  • USB-A to USB-C Cable
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